Daily Archives: May 23, 2008

Yer gonna drive a WHAT in Bangalore?

I saw a small newspaper article the other day. A Porsche dealer is going to be opened in Bangalore. I’ve been here all of three days, but I already know enough about this place to know this; no Porsche belongs anywhere near any roads in India. Four by fours take to the roads here like ducks to water. Porsches here are just a stupid idea!

Why don’t they fix it?

Words of wisdom from Sammy. He was standing in front of the pothole below and asked “why don’t they fix it”. Good Question Sammy. They have the tax revenue. They have the cheap labor. They have the citizenry fed up with bad infrastructure (just read the newspaper here or for that matter, there is a Google earth community placemark at that spot complaining of “Degraded Infrastructure”).

I don’t get it.

Degraded Infrastructure