Daily Archives: May 16, 2008

Now it gets serious

The past few days have been a whirlwind. The movers came on Wednesday morning. We were told that we were allowed 428kg (1000 pounds) by the contractor, but when the movers showed up, they told us 350 and that the other 78 was a buffer. This caused a bit of last second stress as we had to cut some less important things out. Some of my books are staying. The kids’ bikes are staying and we’ll be buying plates in India. We eventually came in at 346 kg. The movers were both as old as my father, which caused no end to my consternation. My 50 pound boxes of books are supposed to be hauled by strapping 20 year olds, not guys who should be retired and living on the Costa Del Sol. Afterwards, Sammy bragged to his friends about how his stuff was on a ship on the way to India. pssst… Sammmy! It’s even cooler… they are on an airplane (or will be next week)

Yesterday I cleaned out my desk and this morning I gave back the company car. That is a weird feeling. It is almost as if I’m cutting ties and could walk away. I last felt like this eight years ago when I left the North Country and started the drive to Missouri.  I did not have this feeling when I left MO for Germany as I simply hated Missouri with a burning passion.